“Without social cohesion, the human race wouldn’t be here: we are not formidable enough to survive without the tactics, rules, and strategies that allow people to work together.” Peter Guber said. He is right. In Youth Education and Sports, we believe in social cohesion. From 23rd to 27th November 2020, the Youth Education and Sports Academic Manager Aime Bizimana and A. Project Director Juvenal Mbonihankuye had an opportunity to attend ToT Training on Social Cohesion through TVET institutions in fragile contexts organized by the International Labor Organization (ILO). In that training, they learned about how a trainer can create an inclusive learning environment for all and the key elements of social cohesion.
This opportunity was of great importance given the context that YES is operating in. Despite our differences, working together for a common cause and working toward a goal that will benefit society as a whole is what characterizes us in terms of social cohesion. Furthermore, the social cohesion training that our staff took will support the process of recruitment to make sure that no one is left behind, and that both marginalized, host, and refugees are empowered to take advantage of the rising global opportunities. Social cohesion in YES is going to promote trust, create a sense of belonging, resist exclusion and marginalization, and enable the well-being for all.


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